Who Is Mi Lora Tours?
Daily was born and raised on the south side of Costa Rica’s capital, San José and has lived her entire life here. Ken hails from beautiful, rural Southern Delaware and still catches himself sometimes calling Sussex County home. But, no, this beautiful, intriguing, surprising and amazing paradise called Costa Rica is home, and now it’s our privilege to show it off to others.
Mi Lora Tours was not in our plan when Ken moved to Costa Rica in late 2007 to marry Daily. However, as the months passed family, friends, former colleagues and their friends and families were contacting him for ideas and advice about their Costa Rica vacation. Before too long the lights came on and the Mi Lora Tours was born.
We understand that much of who we are and what we aspire to has its roots in our individual childhoods and in the values we were taught and the opportunities we were afforded. For that reason, in recognition of the invaluable contribution our parents and grandparents have made to our lives, we chose a name that strings parts our two last names, Miller and Mora, together. We then split the string to form Mi Lora (Spanish for My Parrot) to allude to our fascination with the birds of Costa Rica.